Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Romanian follow-up by Alexa

Given that I had no experience in non formal education, except the projects in whichwas involved (the most important being the one held this year, the Vidrike, Estonia, "Stop Labelling Yourself), the emotions I have tried in the morning of April 5, 2012 were too large to be described. Working with children is not my strength, perhaps because I am stubborn to think that I lack pedagogical talent. Well, with the knowledge gained in the training course from Estonia, where I had not only trained trainers but also a great team, I've tried to give my best in order to provide  information that could help my first workshop participants in discovering and avoiding stereotypes.

I do not know how, but once passed the first five minutes of presentation, mine and theirs, everything turned into a game, their interest and attention fueled my desire to explain things related to discrimination and stereotypes and prejudices and debating together as many problems as possible.
Overall, exploring stereotypes through various exercises, debates on the equality between a man and a woman, interspersed with relaxing and group building games aroused the interest and active participation of children, so that the end of the workshop brought much sadness in classroom. All of them would have wanted at least a few extra hours, which unfortunately they did not obtain. But they have my promise to return and to carry out other useful and interesting workshops.

For me it was a very intense experience, which I intend to repeat as soon as possible.


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